Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Raynaud's: the photographic evidence

So, I talked here about how I have this disease that basically means that I have really deficient blood flows to my extremeties when I get cold or stressed.
You will notice on that post that I only showed a picture of my foot with it's scar, not a photo of a so-called Raynaud's "attack".

Well, here it is, photos of a massively ugly yet somehow fascinating Raynaud's afflicted foot mid attack.

*WARNING*: the following are gross and may even make you queasy, so if you're that type feel free to come back another day when I have posted about something nice like paint colors.**

We'll start off with something relatively mellow, this is last Sunday...see how my toes are just a little unhealthy looking?

Well, here's my feet tonight.
This wasn't even major outside cold time, I was only outside maybe 5 minutes. With socks. And rubber boots. And coat. And gloves. And beanie. And scarf.

Right foot, this one usually isn't quite as bad as the left foot.

This last picture was taken almost a half hour after coming inside.

Yep, very disconcerting. Looks like frostbite...but my toes eventually return to normal.

And I have this more severely than most people who have this, I think.


kat said...

carmen - your and curts blog sucked me in and i now know how to buy a house from a catalog/decipher builders code on a home construction site/lay tile/take apart a toilet to paint behind it (how cute was that, that your commenter thot that was curt that did that and not you lol)/spell AND pronounce raynauds/see the detroit auto show without actually going to detroit, and more~! how fun to find out that you guys like scrabble and phase 10 too~! and i learned it all in only 3 hours when i should be sleeping lol seriously, i love your blog and thanks for the advice on mine; cant wait to try it~!

Carmen said...

Kathy, you make me laugh...a lot.
I love this whole little blog world because it can keep you in touch/help you get to know people. I know what you mean about the being sucked in.

Curt Hostetler said...

Since I've been a blogging bum for a while, I'll just give my 2 cents as a comment to your thoughts. Is that cheating?

This sort of looks like you just need to take a bath :)

No worries, only a few more winters (4 or 5?) to endure here and we'll get you somewhere warmer. That's pretty safe to say since pretty much anywhere is warmer than here...hopefully we can do it before you lose a limb...

Love you!

Shauna said...

Whoa! I echo Curt... most anywhere will be warmer and kinder to you in the winter!

Erika said...

Ouch! That looks painful. Is it painful?

Carmen said...

No, it's not painful. If anything, sometimes it makes it so that I cannot feel my foot. That's when I start freaking out because that's when I can't really monitor how it is anymore and truly I don't want to lose toes. I say this all the time, but I sure am thankful to live in this day and age...had I been a pioneer I'm fairly certain I would be missing some sort of limb by now.

Anonymous said...

If only your Mother would not have run around bare foot so much when she was pregnant with you. She at least was able to warm her feet on my back...
Take care of your feet. OUCH !
Love ya lots...

Carmen said...

Daddy! you commented! Way to go, it's good to hear from you on the blog. Love you too.

Anonymous said...

I was just diagnosed with Raynauds...found your blog by googling...My feet look exactly like yours and I have never found anyone with the same square toes!!Your blog was helpful

Carmen said...

Hey, I'm glad to help in any way I can. I just know that I sure thought it was strange to be diagnosed with something that I had never even heard of.

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