Wednesday, December 23, 2020




{even though the kids are doing virtual school, we ran them to the school one morning for a quick appointment for school pictures}

{working on bathroom trim}

{fort building}

{found a shed snake skin in the yard}

{Curt took the older kids backyard camping}

{McKay has been asking to grow his hair out since he could 2020 is the year}

{ice cream dates}

{my adopted brother's biological sister found me online through my doing family history work on their family in FamilySearch and we were able to find another of their brothers. They reunited for the first time since they were little kids. Such a neat thing to be a part of.}

{A new nephew, Curt's sister Katherine had her baby}

{spider season in Georgia, there's some big ones}

{more work on the bathroom}

{pile on mom in the morning}

{I started a masters program at Georgia Tech. It is in person, but masks are required and they have a whole auditorium for a 40 person class and the seats are marked where you can and cannot sit and everyone is spaced far apart}


{Curt went down to Pensacola after Hurricane Sally to help with the cleanup}

{I tried oil painting for the first time, started with some little ones}

{installing the bathtub}

{the little paintings went well enough I started on a big one for the wall behind the bathtub}

{milestone, bathroom is usable again}

{I flew to Phoenix for the weekend. We've stayed away from people, but so has my grandpa, so I went to see him at the same time my mom went to see him.}

{grandpa makes the best steaks in the world}

{during the pandemic grandpa has let his hair go its natural white and I love it so much}

{card playing is our family pastime}

{mom made grandma's apple coffee cake for us} 

{the Atlanta airport had its lights colorful when I came home for pride, fun}

{first time ever we've had a sign in our yard for an election, but Trump is foul enough that we would see him gone}

{our bush was confused...fall leaves on the bottom, spring flowers on top}

{a big storm came through and blew a bunch of pine straw out of our trees all over the driveway}

{a fun mushroom}

{Des' feet are as big as mine now}

{McKay had a birthday}

{Halloween came. This year we just stayed in and watched a movie, Princess Bride, but we still had some fun with some face painting. McKay insisted he wanted to be the blow up Halloween tree from our neighbor's blow up decorations}

{a mouse}

{a ghost}

{a princess}

{and a skeleton}


{Curt let the kids take apart some old electronics}

{Des visiting Curt's work from home setup}

{Fall colors on a walk}

{a moment in history}

{Curt started building a tree house with the kids}

{received the leather-bound edition of the first book in my favorite series and it's so pretty} 

{Edison messed with his hair}

{Evie had a birthday}

{we have a sweet teenage boy in our ward that had just finished the third book in my favorite series and he wanted to talk to someone about it but no one in his family had read it. So a few of us who are fans and have read the series got together for an outdoor book discussion with him, it was super fun}

{Curt's mom had a quilt made for Evie for her birthday since it was her 8th}

{I think this was a space battle Des and McKay set up}

{I took family pictures in the backyard with my tripod for our Christmas card}

{now it just needs railings}

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