Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Grandma's Funeral

My grandma passed away on January 22nd.

 When I say we're not seeing people, I really mean it, we're more zealous than pretty much anyone I've met at staying home and wearing masks and not getting close to people. But, family things are also really important to me, and I just wanted to be there for my dad. But Covid also feels like it's getting closer, my sister and youngest brother were quarantining due to exposure and wouldn't be there, my aunt and uncle (on the other side of the family) just got it, friends in Georgia have it, and one of my brother's long time friends is on a ventilator fighting for his life and just lost his father to it.

So, it was a genuinely hard call to make whether or not to fly out to go to the funeral.

In the end, I went, was that kind of weirdo that asked my mom to wear a mask with me in the car, and then wore a mask 24/7 for a week after I got home to make sure I didn't bring any bug home and share it.

And I'm so glad that I went.

{my first time arriving at the new Salt Lake City airport}

Slept at mom's and then drove down to Delta, Utah early in the morning. Caught up to and caravanned part of the way with David and his family in his car and  Dad and Jann in his truck. Lane followed a little behind with his family.

{each of grandma's seven living children shared memories}

{got to spend time with my Lane}

{Neil, Daniel, Brian, Andrew, Jason, Aaron, Jon, Chris, and you can see a tiny sliver of Lane in the back and you can't see David...some of grandma's grandsons}

{I could not believe how beautiful the day turned out to be...not normal for January here}

{Daddy dedicated the grave, family groups took pictures, anyone who wanted flowers from the arrangements grabbed some, and our family group stayed till they lowered the casket in the ground and started covering}

{someone, I think grandma's ward?, provided boxed lunches so we picked them up and went to the park to eat them (Uncle Roger's family did the same and ate across the way at the same pavilion)}

{a cool tree at the park}

{and then mom drove me straight to the airport for me to fly home}

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