Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Great Trek 2012: part V, Phoenix

 After the Utah festivities Curt headed back to Michigan to do less fun things like work and I headed down to Arizona with mom and Shane to visit the grandparents.
Des did surprisingly well on the 11 hour drive down.
The portable DVD player was definitely my friend.
Phoenix was exactly how it should be to fit into childhood memories: hot, pool-time, fabulous food, lots of family, monsoon storms.
Des loved the pool.  Awesome, but not awesome in that I had to watch him like a hawk as he had no fear.

Melynda and her family had headed down through the night Sunday night, so were there when we got there.  They went early because they had to leave a little early.

Food.  Aw, the food.

And the getting to see cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents.
That's the stuff that makes life great.

The kids were practicing their lizard catching skills furiously.
They did catch two little babies, only one of which made it through the week to be released.
Grandpa charming the baby.  She calmed right down in his arms.
Kind of surprises me because his voice is kind of naturally loud.
And because we were all afraid of him when we were little. There's definitely that.
Trent said it best: he's getting to be a big softy  :)


Definitely a well enjoyed visit.
The only drawbacks were related to Des being away from home for so long...he was just done.
Sleeping was off, there was crankiness.
The only things that would calm him down sometimes were walks and being outside and pining after the neighbors basketball hoops.
I tell you, the kid is obsessed.
I ended the Great Trek of 2012 on Saturday morning, flying to Michigan.
I would be lying if I didn't say I was absolutely dreading that flight.  I just knew it would involve the whole passenger list dying to get off of the plane and away from the screaming child.
But I was pleasantly surprised.
One of the best flights ever.
And then we were home to recuperate.

1 comment:

Sharee said...

Ahhh - the memories... I am trying to plan a trip down there for next April/May. We should coordinate and go together??

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