Thursday, June 10, 2021



Ready for a big photo dump catch up?

Ok good. Let's do it.


{getting ready to send out Christmas cards}

{not ready to call it done, but almost done bathroom}

{forehead wipeout for this active little one}

{brilliant December fall leaves}

{framed some money from Curt's mission country for his office remodel}

{Evie loves baking and decorating}

{new art for me}

{ready and waiting for Christmas morning}


{converting what was a home gym into a home office}

{mirrors down}


{January 6th. witnessing terrible, awful, no good history going on at the nation's capital.}

{picking out a new paint color for the office}

{so helpful, this little one}

{got word that grandma was nearing the end}

{strangest thing we've ever ordered on Amazon...Evie chose to use her chore money to buy a fake pet cat that purrs and breathes}

{taking an old toilet out...snaking out the plumbing clogged from too much toilet paper usage from a child who shall remain unnamed...installing a new toilet while we were at it}

{Des art}

{still working on painting the office}

{Evie dressing McKay for one of her he was a king lion}

{grandma passed away...going through pictures to send to dad for use in the funeral program}

{dug out access to our septic tank to get it pumped...regular maintenance}

{Evie continues to set her own fashion}

{went out to Utah by myself for less than a day to attend grandma's funeral}

{Curt's initial setup of a music studio in a corner of the office}


{I had class Monday nights in this building}

{new toilet successfully installed}

{with his new drawing pad he got in the mail from grandma for his birthday}

{new curtains and blinds in the office}

{I think sticker super hero stuff going on here}

{lego stuff from uncle Andrew}

{book club night out}

{daffodils blooming kind of late this year}

{all of us heading out to Utah for a week to take care of mom while she gets a hip replaced}


{the kids loved the tiny bit of snow left in the shady parts of mom's house}

{getting ready to be taken back for the surgery, she was walking again by the end of the's one tough lady}

{stopped by Lane's to see the basement room he's done all the work to finish}

{McKay lost a front tooth}

{the kids visiting with grandpa}

{and then back home again}

{both Curt and I got our second dose of the vaccine, hooray!}

{picture Curt sent me to show he cleared a spot out for a golf cart...gave him the all clear to start shopping for one}

{think there's enough screens in the office?}

{signs of spring}

{I went and helped again to clean out a graveyard where enslaved people were buried}

{giving me a preview of teenager side eye with another very Evie outfit combo}

{my first white hair...didn't mean to pull it out, but I wanted to see it. I'll let it grow when it comes back}

{pollen season hit}

And you made it to the end.

Way to go, that was super duper long.

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