Friday, June 11, 2021




{McKay's other front tooth hung on by a thread for so long}

{setting up and playing pretend restaurant}

{Edison snuck scissors and went to town on his hair}

{so off all the rest of the hair went}

{another "fun" game of throwing things over the banister down the stairs}

{first time in like a year of getting food from one of our favorite Cuban food places up by the airport}

{And we got a golf new toy}

{exploring our area via golf cart}

{our side yard forest getting all wild}

{this boy...sharpie artwork on the wall}

{found where Edison stashed the hair he cut off his head}

{organized a stake primary training, Curt picked up and delivered boxed lunches for attendees}

{relieved smile after the training was done...had processed, gathered, and mentally labored over my talk for months and I think it went about as well as could be expected...I challenge the status quo and sometimes that's not comfortable for me (ha, maybe not for the giver or receivers)}

{going into the office every once in a while, first day of school vibes}

{adding some more shelves to the garage}

{lots of walks in the neighborhood...Edison often falls asleep in the stroller}

{Curt went down to Orlando to visit Grandma Hogie one weekend}


{last day of school for the semester...sunset coming out of taking a final}

{calling the bathroom done}

{Shauna came to stay with the kids while Curt and I went to Hawaii, she brought lots of dress up outfits for Evie}

{Curt and I went to Hawaii (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)}

{gathering and labeling different leaves with grandma}

{Curt's dad came up for the weekend too while we were still gone}

{We came home and Shauna went home, the kids finished up their last week of virtual school for the year}

{stopped by an activity briefly for the kids to meet the new ward primary presidency...we aren't bringing them back to church until they're vaccinated so this was good}

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