Friday, July 31, 2020

Amicalola Falls

We've just been hanging out at home, and we had the realization that Curt hadn't taken any vacation days since February.
So even though we weren't going to go anywhere, he took a couple days off just for a mental break.
That was great.

But we did do one thing out of our current norm during that time.
We loaded up the kids and drove to Amicalola Falls to check it out.
It was beautiful, and even the littlest did most of the hundreds of stairs on his own to get to the top.

{Evie took some scissors to her bangs because they were 'bothering her forehead', so she's currently rocking a mullet}

{always filtering through the 'woks' for ones he deems fit for his rock collection}

{my little ducklings all in a row...the little one checking on his pocket rocks again}

{gotta take a picture with a big tree}

 {watching a water strider bug for a while before loading up and heading home}

1 comment:

Carolyn Wiberg said...

Beautiful pictures, and way to go on grad school!! That's awesome! I don't doubt that you will be amazing.

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