Tuesday, June 30, 2020

grad school

So, I applied and got into a masters program at Georgia Tech and I start in August.

I had to take the GRE for the application process, so I had been studying since last fall.
I was nervous for this because I haven't taken a test in like 14 years.
And then it got delayed because of the pandemic.
But I took it and was happy with how I did.

Then I was nervous about getting accepted because I've taken almost a decade off of work outside of the home.
But I got in.

Now I'm nervous for it to start because I haven't ever done school with kids. And I haven't taken classes in so long.
And instead of having alone time for the first time this fall to do classwork (Edison was going to start preschool and the other three would be in all day school), I'll probably have all four at home all the time and I'll be directing their learning as well as mine.
But it will all work out, and I'm excited to do the University thing again.

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