Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Curt's Birthday

So...I don't really have any pictures of Curt growing up so I can't do one of my regular birthday posts. Bummer.
But I can give you the run down on what we did that day (July 14th, if you were wondering)(yeah, I'm really late on this).
We worked. Ooooh, exciting.
Then we went to Shalimar, a most excellent Indian food restaurant. Love the yummy food, we were eating it for the rest of the week.
Then we went to see Wolverine! ...at the dollar theater, that's how we roll.
(it's paying off though, zero debt besides the house, and paying cashola for grad school)
It's the first movie we've seen since Christmas.
Loved it.
I'm a total fantasy/sci fi nerd.
I'm so psyched that they are doing more of these Marvel comics based movies.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
You'll always be 3 years more old fogy than me.
(That would make him 28 this time)


Sharee said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURT!! We love the super hero movies as well - always top on our list, but I haven't paid full price to see a movie since I was pregnant with Kyla - too practical, I just can't justify it...

blueeyedfreckle said...

happy birthday curt! belated! I always forget you have the same b-day as caroline. Oh and we roll like that too... We always pretend we have no money, and pay for grad school cash, and pinch and save:) Though with med school about to start (and a baby on the way), we won't be able to pay cash for school anymore! boo. Our first time with debt.

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