Friday, May 15, 2020


April was all about the staying at home life due to the pandemic.
There were some big things that we had been looking forward to that got cancelled (we had tickets to Hamilton, mom was supposed to come and visit, and we were all going to go on a nine day European trip that included a Mediterranean cruise to Spain, France, and Italy).
And while missing those things was sad, this time has been really really good.
The kids have gotten sleep (Evie is not a morning person and school is hard to get up for), we all have strengthened bonds, it's been simple and happy.
Which I know is a privilege with death and job losses happening all over. 
We've passed 87,000 deaths in the past two months just in the U.S. from COVID, with that number increasing by thousands each day. 
Dang it if this isn't such bad timing as we have an utterly incompetent president and administration so the deaths are much higher than they could have been.
Sobering stuff.

 {demo on the bathroom continues}

 {wildlife in the yard}

 {walks most days}

 {lots of scootering}

 {skinned knees on most of the kids from all that scootering}

{fort building}

 {art projects in our messy messy play room}

 {setting up 'school' together, not to be confused with their real school work that they've kept up with online}

 {breakfast for dinner}

 {the baby had more drawing incidents...this kid}

{bathroom changes}

 {the simplest Easter ever, starburst, chalk, a book}

 {home church...short and sweet}

 {welp, that Easter candy didn't last long}

 {Evie drawings}

 {the demo pile slowly but surely finding its way into the trash}

 {a McKay burrito}

 {since the whole end of preschool was cancelled they had a 'closing ceremonies' of sorts over Zoom...20 three, four, and five year entertaining}

{Evie outlining the rock cycle for fun}

{Des thought it was a good time try out bald}

 {Evie created her own 'podcast' and I think the dinosaurs were characters she was narrating}

 {more walks}

 {we've had a lot of different food trucks come to our neighborhood...greek food, empanadas, donuts, it's been really fun}

 {playing outside while Curt burns our built up pile}

{mowing the lawn}

{Des being crafty, making sock penguins}

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