Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Utah: Losee family reunion

I haven't been able to go to the Losee reunion in many years.
I was so happy when I found out it coincided with the time we were going to be in town.

We followed dad down on Thursday afternoon and stopped by the farm first.

{stormy out west} 

 {the peonies were so full and heavy the flowers ended up on the ground, still pretty}

We went into town to meet up with David and his baby, Ryan, grab some dinner, and to try to time it so we didn't get soaked by the dark storm.

We got it right and arrived at the reunion campground right after the storm had passed.

My photo taking game was not super on, so I don't have all the pictures that I want from it, but we had a good visit that evening.

We stayed until dark and then went back to the farm to sleep.
Best camping ever :)


Daddy attached a bucket to his tractor and drove me and a couple kids around raised up to see everything from up high.


We went out to the care center that grandma is in and visited for a while.
Aging is tough, and grandma just turned 92. I'm thankful every chance I get to give her a hug and tell her I love her.


The day was great.
I got to see quite a few of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. 
My kids had a blast with all the next generation of kids up there.
Edison seemed to think the dirt was glorious, and aunt Lynne gave Des a ride on her 4-wheeler.

We (minus dad) had to leave before the big family dinner that night (had to get home and to bed to bring Curt to the airport for an early flight the next morning), but I'm so glad that we were able to see so many loved ones.

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