Friday, November 30, 2018


A little bit of our lives in October... 

 {Des is getting so big, made pancakes for dinner on his own}

 {Des helping to mow the lawn, beginning of leaf season}

 {October was the most beautiful weather, we spent a large part of it outside}

 {inspecting one of the many lizards that hang around}

 {Edison is almost as big as McKay}

 {coming home from the bus stop}

 {Des with some pac man creativity drawn on wall safe tape on his bedroom walls}

 {50's day at school}

 {preschool pumpkin patch field trip}


 {Curt went to North Carolina to help muck out houses that had been flooded for weeks from Hurricane Florence}

 {President Oaks came and spoke while they were gathered}

 {the devastation, roads lined with the ruined insides of houses, waiting to be hauled away} 

{this house flooded all the way to the ceiling, total loss}

 {Des was one of two second graders in his school to have his art entered from his school at a local art fair, we went and visited's a blurry close up of it...}

 {voted, important mid-terms across the country}

 {babies in moustache stickers are so hilarious, little old man}

 {Curt caught this picture of the sky on fire}

 {in progress chili for the ward trunk-or-treat...I won the 'golden ladle' in the cookoff, ha}

{kids dressed up for the trunk-or-treat}

 {funny outtake of Evie being sassy}

 {we got 'booed'}

{more crown wearing because it was so pretty}

 {McKay turned 4}

 {Curt carved a pumpkin with lots of input from the littles}

 {by the time real Halloween rolled around, we were done with heavy crown wearing and so a face painted one substituted and kind of looked like wonder woman}

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