Wednesday, September 26, 2018

summer catch up

I've shared the major stuff already, but here's a bunch of the other miscellaneous happenings over the past months.


 {the kids set up a 'library'}

 {Evie at an outside ward activity, she held frogs and worms} 

{she lost her first tooth}


 {we replaced our front lawn}

 {I made our kitchen backsplash black}

 {we took the whole family out for our 12th anniversary}

 {Curt made dinner for Mother's Day}

 {mom came in town to watch our kids while we went to Europe...our disposal started leaking all over that morning so she and I replaced it before Curt and I left}

 {Evie with a mask we brought her from Venice}

 {Des playing with the chess set we brought back}

 {Shane graduated high school}


 {annual pressure washing of the driveway}

 {pool time}


We spent half the month in Orlando and Utah.

{watching cars}


 {Curt did donuts on a string for the kids because Evie had read about it in an activity book and had gotten a bee in her bonnet, he's definitely the fun parent}

 {Des and Evie started school, 2nd grade and kindergarten}

 {and so the little ones and I have a new routine of waiting for the bus every afternoon}

 {Edison is gaining on McKay}

 {family Chick-fil-a evening}

 {Curt and I actually had a hire-a-babysitter type of date. We went to the Lindsey Stirling/Evanescense concert} 

 {staying awake through lunch is sometimes hard}

 {outside is the baby's favorite place}

 {donut date with McKay, every once in a while we do a one on one with each kid}

 {renewed a couple kid passports, the post office we went to had awesome vintage boxes}

{McKay started preschool}

and finally, September...

 {Curt did a weekend boys trip to Gainesville with his brothers and dad}

 {more pool time}

 {nature walk with the kids, McKay still feels like he has to hold his pants up, even though he's wearing the same size as the baby...poor skinny little thing}

 {even though it's still hot here, the spiders have got the memo that fall is coming and are spinning webs everywhere...this monster built a web encompassing the lower half of the doorway from the garage to the backyard.}

 {play date with a friend of Evie's}

 {so much left to do , but we've made progress on the yard and exterior this year}

 {our friends Ryan and KaoNu came for a visit}

 {Lunch date with daddy}

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