Tuesday, October 4, 2016

So...we're having a baby boy in February

I'm 20 weeks along and things are going well so far.
This baby is active and strong enough that Curt has been able to feel his kicks.

Lots of muted emotions.

Prepping mentally for four kids six and under. Sometimes (usually after a hard moment with the three I have already) I feel overwhelmed, but then I remember I felt maxed out with one, and two, and now and it is just familiar and I know I can stretch and do it.
A bit of increased watchfulness. After miscarriage you just know a little more poignantly that things don't always go just how you plan. 
Thankful to be out of the first trimester, I was nauseous all through our London trip and I think either I was more sick this time around or I'm getting more sensitive in my old age. 
Excited to snuggle a little tiny one again.
Love babies and my growing family. I know I am so lucky to have them, and ache for those who want it and haven't been able to yet.


Sheena said...

Yay, congratulations Carmen! I hear you on the four little kids! It's funny because when I was listening to President Uchtdorf's talk during the Saturday morning session of General Conference I totally had the thought that I shouldn't take for granted certain strengths I have now that probably started out more as weakness. And the one that came to mind was the number of kids I have. Now that I'm at four I sometimes look at someone with one and think of how easy one is. Because it's hard for me to remember how much I struggled with just that one at certain times. I had some pretty rough days/moments when Scarlett was a baby. And now if I'm only watching one or two kids and the others are occupied it's like the easiest thing ever! The transition to four has definitely been the most difficult for us, but we are starting to find a rhythm. I know that you will too. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I know these kids were supposed to come to me, and that Heavenly Father wouldn't send them if I couldn't handle it. Good luck!

Stacey said...

Wonderful news! Congrats Carmen, and I'll keep you in my prayers that this whole pregnancy goes well for you. You have a great mind set, everything adjusts, and you can handle more than you realize.

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