Sunday, April 3, 2011

he loves me...

Had a mildly hard day this week...I'm a gal who loves her sleep and the lack of it is a true challenge...
Wonder what will happen if I ever get a truly fussy baby...because this one isn't it...

My sweetheart felt bad and wanted to cheer me up.
Beautiful way to do so.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

It is SO hard to go without sleep. It's so hard to transition from all the hormones of being pregnant and then suddenly, not being pregnant. Hang in there! It just gets better and better and easier, too! :-) Think of the first 3 months as the 4th trimester...your baby is so dependent on you and it is as (and more) draining on you physically then when you were pregnant. Survive the first 3 months. Just be in survival mode and let anything you can slide such as chores and what not. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after a few months. :-)

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