Monday, January 6, 2020

Christmas visit to Utah

This year we spent the week of Christmas with family in Utah.
We headed out the Saturday before and came home the Sunday after.

 {traveling with kids is hard, but they were pretty dang good this time}

The first stop after leaving the airport was meeting Dad and Jann at Leatherby's.

Then we went to Mom's to settle in and decorate a bunch of Christmas cookies.

 {Des, McKay, Evie, Nora, and Nixon}

Sunday afternoon we got together at Lane's for some pictures with all the family who were available.

{...and then immediately after went to the Gehrke's to see the whole family}

 {Melynda got a cat, and the new kitty was a highlight of the visit to my kids} 

 {Curt took Des to the new Star Wars movie Monday morning}

 {...and then went to lunch with a friend, Sean}

 {McKay got a less than 12 hour bug in the middle of the night}

{Christmas Eve I went to lunch with my friend Staci}

 {...and then went with my dad to visit his aunt Inga Mae}

 {we did our main present opening at home in Georgia as to not drag stuff across the country and back...but we did a little Christmas morning in UT}

 {got the cinnamon rolls prepped the night before so I could just pop them in the oven Christmas morning for a toasty and freshly baked breakfast}

 {so cold and was at work and Melynda's kids were at their dads so were just our little family for the morning, but then everyone came home/over for Christmas dinner}

{the kitty climbing the Christmas tree to get away from the kids}

 {afternoon opening of presents from the grandparents}

{Jann made this amazing jello concoction}

 {Shane brought his girlfriend over and Melynda her boyfriend and it was a full house and a delicious dinner}

 {Nixon stayed the night, he and McKay played legos the morning after Christmas}

 {the kitty trying to find another spot safe from the kids}

 {Curt took Evie and Londynn mini golfing}

 {I went over to Lane and Kinsey's to visit and see pictures from their fall trip to Paris and London...they had taken Christmas down and everything was crisp and clean}

 {Edison got weepy and wanted to go home...packed his teddy bear in the backpack and was ready to go}

 {mmmmm, mom's tacos}

{the night before we left we got together with a whole group of Curt's college roommates and other friends from the same time period...such a good time} 

 {...and then it was time to head home. McDonalds breakfast at the airport}

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