Friday, December 22, 2017


Curt is wonderful.
He knows that it is hard for me to live away from family and has tried to make it so I can at least see them quarterly.
He took the day off last Friday so I could do a very quick trip to Utah.
As in I flew out Friday morning and flew back Saturday night.
Totally worth it.

I brought Evie and Edison.
Daddy picked us up from the airport and we visited some of his homes and then went to lunch at café Rio with Jann and Lane.

We had a really great afternoon just spending time together and letting the kids play.

We stayed the night at mom's and she made waffles for us in the morning.

Melynda came over for a bit with her girls and then we all went over to Lane and Kinsey's for several hours.

 {Their home is a really beautiful, cozy place to be}

 {the youngest pair of grandbabies}

Then we packed up and did the trek across the country to get home again, pulling in just before midnight. 
Thankful that something like that is possible.
So happy to see these loved ones.

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