Monday, June 28, 2010

June 25, 2010: Melynda's Wedding

My Nina, you are beautiful.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cool lightning storm

Last night, we had a really cool lightning storm. I think there was a tornado warning too (I got a text message alert from the University saying 'Take Cover'). So what did we do? Run to the basement? Of course not..we just had to go upstairs and watch. Here's a tidbit of what we saw. The storm went on like this for about an hour.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Yard Update

Alrighty, so the last update was back in September.

Let me refresh your memory:

It was looking pretty dismal, but hey, we were making progress from the bare dirt that it had been.

Well, in addition to all of the great plants we received from multiple friends (love them, ferrying buckets of plants to work for me, so nice), I had sprinkled a packet of wildflower seeds around.  

It turns out that that packet was a fantastic investment.

For $2 max all the following sprouted:

(sorry, not the purple iris, all of the white flowers in the background...but doesn't my new camera take bea-u-ti-ful pictures?)

...this cool red cluster...

...these fun red-orange things...

...and all the rest of this stuff...
Pretty dang awesome.

Then we added some colorful annuals and some mulch...

....ta da...
a much improved planting bed.

Ooh, let's do some before and afters, shall we?

We're not done, this is just another progress update.
But we are making progress.

So, what do you think?

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