Tuesday, May 20, 2014

right now...

-is finishing up a big project at work...a week and a half left! {we're excited}
-at church is now the cubmaster in addition to all of his music callings
-is running a bunch again. 
What made the difference is joining the gym at his work, even though we have a gym in both our home and neighborhood clubhouse. It just works better {and thus happens} at lunch time.

-I'm still getting back into an 'at home' routine after being in Utah for a month
-as always, working on home projects. 
Current docket: still working on painting all the trim I added in the foyer, need to patch the ceiling downstairs from getting can lights put in, getting bids for replacing the roof

-is sooo loud. 
I find myself saying some variation of 'don't shout' or 'don't yell' approximately a million times a day.
-is getting along so much better with Evie.
Don't get me wrong, he still doesn't like her some of the time, but the ratio is improving.
-is getting to the point that he's actually helpful...not just the intent, but he can follow directions and do things that make my life easier.
-is very articulate. talks up a storm. has a large vocabulary and comprehension.

-is running or climbing everywhere.
-is quiet as she gets into everything.
-is so sweet and happy, but also opinionated and persistant
-has added a few words to the list from last time: hi, hello, bye, bite {begging for food}
-even though she doesn't talk a lot, her understanding has increased dramatically.
I can give her instructions like "go find your shoes" and she'll go and bring them to me. She also nods or shakes her head and uses them to answer yes or no questions.

{after Evie climbed to the top bunk by herself (mind you, there's no ladder)...the bunk beds were promptly taken apart and they are now serving as two twin beds}

{by the way, I got these beds plus the matching dresser on Craigslist for $200, score!, then I painted them black}

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