Sunday, July 26, 2009

Curt's Family is in the house...

For the past few days we have had the pleasure of having Curt's parents and two little sisters visiting us.
Ron is now on a plane home and Shauna and the girls are on to Canada...but here is a small recap of what we did while they were here.

We started off Friday by doing a long walk around the U of M campus.

Curt in front of the Ross Business School.

Megan, Me, Curt, and Katherine in front of the LDS Institute building.

Walking, walking, walking...

Katherine and Megan in the Reading Room of the Law School.

Megan, same place. It is beautiful there.

Katherine and Megan leaving the Law School.


Enjoying the "soft" Michigan grass.
(Florida has not so soft grass)

Ron and Curt.

Katherine, Shauna, and Megan.

After walking around for a long time, we went to the arb for a picnic lunch.

It was very picturesque.

We then went to Washtenaw Dairy for some of my favoritest ice cream ever.
I'll have to see if Shauna has any pictures of this, because I sure don't.

Saturday was a recovery day consisting of laundry and playing games.

Sunday we went to church...

...and then went to a friend's place for a BBQ on the lake... was beautiful and will get a post of its own later...

And that, my friends, brings us to the present.

Curt and Ron conferring over the GPS and deciding the best route to the airport.

And that concludes this journal entry for today.


Anonymous said...

Yep, love the new hair color!

Carmen said...

Sweet, I'm liking it too. It's a fun change.

Unknown said...

Holy Smokes, Curt, your sisters are practically all grown up. Last time I saw them the younger one was in diapers. Not that they'd like me bringing that up, I'm sure.

Curt Hostetler said...

You're right, kinda makes you feel old, huh? Every time I see them, it's hard to believe the changes.

Cathi said...

The U of M is an incredibly gorgeous campus. Family is so important and everyone looks so happy. I'm with your dark hair!

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